Watershed Report
Locust Bayou-Ouachita River
Watershed Summary (10 Digit HUC) Locust Bayou-Ouachita River (0804020107) Area Summary Area - Square Miles...........................: 257.14 Area - Acres..................................: 166497.87 Elevation Summary Meters Feet Elevation Maximun.............................: 116.00 380.00 Elevation Minimum.............................: 21.00 69.00 Elevation Average.............................: 47.00 154.00 Septic Suitability Sq. Miles % of Total Septic Not Limited............................: .00 -.--% Septic Slighty Limited........................: .00 -.--% Septic Somewhat Limited.......................: 9.90 -.--% Septic Moderately Limited.....................: .00 -.--% Septic Limited................................: .00 -.--% Septic Very Limited...........................: 233.68 90.67% Septic Not Rated..............................: 14.16 5.49% Hydric Soils Sq. Miles % of Total Hydric Soils Yes..............................: 168.62 65.43% Hydric Soils No...............................: 89.04 34.55% Hydric Soils Unrated..........................: .06 .02% Soil Productivity Sq. Miles % of Total Prime Farmland.......................................: 43.01 16.69% Prime Farmland if Drained............................: 90.28 35.03% Prime Farmland if Drained and Protected from Flooding: 15.81 6.13% Prime Farmland if Protected from Flooding............: .00 -.--% Prime Farmland of Statewide Importance...............: 13.86 5.38% Not Prime Farmland...................................: 94.78 36.77% Unrated Farmland.....................................: .00 -.--%