Watershed Report
Locust Bayou-Ouachita River

The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies at the University of Arkansas has developed the Arkansas Automated Reporting and Mapping System with funding from the Arkansas 85th General Assembly through the Arkansas Natural Resource Commission.
The 308 ten-digit watershed units and the 1556 twelve-digit watershed units were delineated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, a division of the US Department of Agriculture.
For all watersheds that cross the Arkansas border, only the Arkansas portion of the watershed was used for mapping and statistical reporting.

Watershed Summary (10 Digit HUC)

Locust Bayou-Ouachita River

Area Summary
Area - Square Miles...........................:      257.14
Area - Acres..................................:   166497.87

Elevation Summary
                                                     Meters         Feet
Elevation Maximun.............................:      116.00       380.00
Elevation Minimum.............................:       21.00        69.00
Elevation Average.............................:       47.00       154.00

Septic Suitability
                                                  Sq. Miles     % of Total
Septic Not Limited............................:         .00          -.--%
Septic Slighty Limited........................:         .00          -.--%
Septic Somewhat Limited.......................:        9.90          -.--%
Septic Moderately Limited.....................:         .00          -.--%
Septic Limited................................:         .00          -.--%
Septic Very Limited...........................:      233.68         90.67%
Septic Not Rated..............................:       14.16          5.49%

Hydric Soils
                                                  Sq. Miles     % of Total
Hydric Soils Yes..............................:      168.62         65.43%
Hydric Soils No...............................:       89.04         34.55%
Hydric Soils Unrated..........................:         .06           .02%

Soil Productivity
                                                         Sq. Miles     % of Total
Prime Farmland.......................................:       43.01         16.69%
Prime Farmland if Drained............................:       90.28         35.03%
Prime Farmland if Drained and Protected from Flooding:       15.81          6.13%
Prime Farmland if Protected from Flooding............:         .00          -.--%
Prime Farmland of Statewide Importance...............:       13.86          5.38%
Not Prime Farmland...................................:       94.78         36.77%
Unrated Farmland.....................................:         .00          -.--%