Arkansas Watershed Information System
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Ozan Creek-Little Missouri River Watershed Statistics
Hydrologic Unit Code: 0804010303

Land Cover Statistics

Land Use/Land Cover statistics from 1999, 2004 and 2006 are derived from datasets provided by the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (publication dates June 2001, October 2005, and March 2007). The LULC datasets are based on 28.5 meter resolution Landsat imagery provided by the United States Geological Survey.

Population and Population Density Change

Population and Population Density Change data derived from 1990 and 2000 TIGER/Line files and Summary Tape File 1 data provided by the United States Census Bureau. Population data were summarized at the Census Block level.

Population Change Comparison by Watershed

Population Change data derived from 1990 and 2000 TIGER/Line files and Summary Tape File 1 data provided by the United States Census Bureau. Population data were summarized at the Census Block level.

Density Change Comparison by Watershed

Population Density Change data derived from 1990 and 2000 TIGER/Line files and Summary Tape File 1 data provided by the United States Census Bureau. Population data were summarized at the Census Block level.

Roads by Type

Detailed highway and road statistics derived from data provided by the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (publication date August 2006).

Surface Water Areas and Lengths in Miles

Stream and waterbody statistics dervied from data provided by the United States Geological Survey, National Hydrography Dataset (publication date 1999).

Watershed Elevation in Feet

Elevation information derived from data provided by the United States Geological Survey, National Elevation Dataset (30 meter resoltuion, publication date 2001).

Businesses by Category

Aggregated business data derived from the InfoBase® List data product provided by Acxiom® Corporation (snapshot date 2006).

NAICS 2 DigitNAICS 4 DigitDescriptionStructures
616111Elementary and Secondary Schools 5
000000NAICS Code Unknown4
444441Building Material and Supplies Dealers 4
818131Religious Organizations 3
444451Grocery Stores 2
494911Postal Service 1
444442Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores 1
525221Depository Credit Intermediation 1
232383Construction - 231
444411Automobile Dealers 1
444413Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores 1
818111Automotive Repair and Maintenance 1

Click here for a cross-reference list of the 8-digit HUC names and codes.

Click here for a cross-reference list of the 10-digit HUC names and codes.


Funded by the Arkansas 85th General Assembly through the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission
Copyright © 2006 Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies.